TGSA Famous Ancestors of Northeastern Mexico Series

Descendants of Capitan Bernabe CASAS

Fifth Generation

117. Maria Margarita SERNA (Nicolas SERNA ALARCON , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Maria married Joseph Antonio CANTU son of Alferez Antonio CANTU and Margarita GARCIA DAVILA on 13 Jan 1714 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

+ 463 M i Joseph Antonio CANTU
+ 464 F ii Maria Rosa CANTU
  465 F iii Maria Josefa CANTU was christened on 24 Apr 1719 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 466 F iv Maria Javiera CANTU
  467 M v Juan Bartolo CANTU was christened on 02 Mar 1722 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  468 M vi Nicolas Lusgardo CANTU was christened on 09 Jul 1724 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  469 F vii Maria Margarita CANTU was christened on 01 Jan 1729 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  470 M viii Santiago Bernardino CANTU was christened on 30 May 1732 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  471 F ix Micaela Lorenza CANTU was christened on 09 Dec 1736 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 472 M x Claudio CANTU

118. Maria Gertrudis SERNA (Nicolas SERNA ALARCON , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Maria married Nicolas QUINTANILLA son of Nicolas GONZALEZ QUINTANILLA and Beatriz FERNANDEZ on 10 May 1714 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Nicolas was christened on 13 Feb 1676 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

  473 M i Nicolas Justo QUINTANILLA was christened on 23 Jun 1719 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

119. Nicolas Antonio SERNA (Nicolas SERNA ALARCON , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ) was christened on 18 Aug 1704 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Nicolas married Margarita Gertrudis RODRIGUEZ daughter of Alferez Miguel RODRIGUEZ MONTEMAYOR and Lucia GARCIA on 27 Jan 1732 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

  474 M i Nicolas Antonio SERNA was christened on 28 Dec 1732 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
        Nicolas married Juana AGUIRRE on 26 Jun 1778 in Guajuco, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 475 M ii Joseph Leonardo SERNA
+ 476 M iii Antonio Gregorio Jesus SERNA
  477 F iv Juana Josefa SERNA was christened on 04 Sep 1740 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 478 M v Antonio Jesus SERNA

122. Francisco Javier SERNA (Nicolas SERNA ALARCON , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Francisco married Maria Francisca GARZA daughter of Joseph GARZA and Nicolasa CANTU on 10 Jun 1743 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

  479 M i Joseph Francisco Vital SERNA was christened on 03 May 1745 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 480 F ii Maria Ignacia SERNA
  481 F iii Paula Marcela SERNA was christened on 28 Jan 1749 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

126. Joseph Javier GONZALEZ HIDALGO (Maria Contreras PERALTA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ) was born in Cadereyta Jimenez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Joseph married Francisca ZAMORA daughter of Living and Living on 04 Jun 1731 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Francisca was born in General Teran, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

+ 482 F i Maria Antonia GONZALEZ HIDALGO
+ 483 F ii Ana Maria GONZALEZ HIDALGO
+ 484 F iii Maria Ignacia GONZALEZ HIDALGO
  485 F iv Candida GONZALEZ was born about 1750.
        Candida married Joseph Francisco GARZA son of Joseph Antonio GARZA and Maria Petra JIMENEZ CISNEROS on 09 Mar 1772 in Cadereyta Jimenez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Joseph was christened on 17 Apr 1742 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  486 M v Jose Antonio GONZALEZ HIDALGO was born about 1755.
        Jose married Maria Ramona RIOS daughter of Manuel RIOS and mulata Maria Ramona OZUNA on 19 Feb 1775 in Cadereyta Jimenez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 487 F vi Maria Leonor GONZALEZ HIDALGO

127. Joseph Salvador SERNA (Francisco SERNA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Joseph married Ana Maria GARZA daughter of Capitan Tomas GARZA and Francisca LEON on 22 Jun 1730 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

+ 488 F i Maria Francisca SERNA
+ 489 M ii Cipriano SERNA
+ 490 F iii Francisca SERNA
+ 491 M iv Jose Miguel SERNA

128. Maria Rosa SERNA (Francisco SERNA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Maria married Manuel GOMEZ CASTRO son of Juan Diego GOMEZ CASTRO and Maria Catalina CANTU on 01 Jan 1730 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

+ 492 M i Joseph Rafael GOMEZ
+ 493 M ii Joseph Zeferino GOMEZ CASTRO
  494 F iii Ines Santos GOMEZ CASTRO was christened on 11 Nov 1736 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  495 M iv Joseph Antonio GOMEZ CASTRO was christened on 26 Mar 1741 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 496 M v Joseph Tomas GOMEZ CASTRO
  497 M vi Joseph Joaquin GOMEZ.
        Joseph married Francisca Placida GONZALEZ daughter of Blas GONZALEZ and Juana Maria SILVA on 06 Jun 1764 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 498 F vii Ana Maria GOMEZ CASTRO

129. Francisco Javier SERNA (Francisco SERNA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ) was buried on 21 Jul 1769 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Francisco married Petra LEON daughter of Balerio LEON and Josefa GARZA about 1750.

They had the following children:

  499 M i Joseph Maria SERNA was christened on 26 Mar 1754 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 500 M ii coyote Vicente SERNA
  501 F iii Margarita SERNA was christened on 02 Feb 1759 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  502 F iv Maria Rosalia SERNA.
        Maria married (1) mestizo Antonio ALVARADO on 22 May 1780 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
        Maria married (2) indio Juan Joseph LUCIO son of Living and Living on 22 Jan 1782 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  503 M v Joseph Cristobal SERNA was christened on 17 Jan 1766 in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 504 M vi Francisco Javier SERNA

130. Francisco Javier SERNA CONTRERAS (Felix SERNA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Francisco married Maria Teresa Jesus SAENZ daughter of Nicolas SAENZ and Ana Maria SALAZAR about 1734. Maria was christened on 06 Nov 1714 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

  505 F i Maria Ignacia SERNA.
        Maria married Antonio MACIEL on 09 May 1753 in Boca de Leones, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Antonio was born in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  506 F ii Maria Gertrudis SERNA.
        Maria married Tomas Luis TORRE son of Living and Living on 28 Jul 1760 in Boca de Leones, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
+ 507 F iii Maria Guadalupe SERNA
+ 508 M iv Joseph Celedonio SERNA
+ 509 F v Maria Josefa SERNA
+ 510 F vi Maria Dorotea SERNA
+ 511 F vii mestiza Maria Juliana SERNA

131. Margarita Quiteria SERNA (Felix SERNA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Margarita married (1) Living.

Margarita married (2) Antonio GARZA FALCON son of Francisco Narciso GARZA and Maria Josefa CHAPA about 1731 in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

They had the following children:

  512 M i Joseph Fermin GARZA was born about 1733.
  513 M ii Ildefonso GARZA was born about 1734.
  514 M iii Agustin GARZA was born about 1736.
  515 F iv Andrea Rosa GARZA was born about 1737.
  516 F v Andrea Javiera GARZA was born about 1737.
  517 F vi Antonia Lucia GARZA was born about 1741.
+ 518 M vii Leonardo GARZA
  519 M viii Joseph GARZA was born about 1745.
  520 F ix Gertrudis GARZA was born about 1746.
  521 M x Salvador GARZA was born about 1750.

132. Maria Gertrudis SERNA (Felix SERNA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Maria married Juan Bautista VILLARREAL son of Juan VILLARREAL and Mariana LONGORIA about 1745.

They had the following children:

  522 M i Manuel VILLARREAL.
        Manuel married Ana Maria LIZARRARAS CUELLAR daughter of Jose Bartolome LIZARRARAS CUELLAR and Maria Gregoria MARTINEZ on 12 Apr 1789 in Guerrero, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Ana was born on 01 Oct 1752 in Guerrero, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
+ 523 F ii Maria Guadalupe VILLARREAL

133. Salvador SERNA (Felix SERNA , Margarita CASAS , Marcos , Bernabe ).

Salvador married Maria Francisca SAAVEDRA.

They had the following children:

+ 524 F i Maria Gregoria SERNA
+ 525 F ii Maria Gertrudis SERNA
+ 526 M iii Jose Cayetano SERNA
+ 527 M iv mestizo Salvador SERNA
+ 528 M v Jose Joaquin SERNA
+ 529 M vi Jose Antonio SERNA

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