6245. Maria Liberata Roque MARTINEZ (Jose Simon MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 19 Aug 1802 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Maria married Juan Elias GARZA son of Capitan Jose Isidro GARZA and Maria Rosario GONZALEZ on 20 Sep 1820 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
6249. Maria Hipolita MARTINEZ (Jose Simon MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 18 Aug 1813 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Maria married Jose Luis Zeferino MARTINEZ son of Jose Cipriano MARTINEZ and Maria Loreto GONZALEZ on 14 Feb 1831 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Jose was christened on 07 Sep 1805 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
6253. Jose Luis Zeferino MARTINEZ (Jose Cipriano MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 07 Sep 1805 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Jose married Maria Hipolita MARTINEZ daughter of Jose Simon MARTINEZ and Maria Nepomucena GONZALEZ on 14 Feb 1831 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Maria was christened on 18 Aug 1813 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
19018 M i Jose Maria Jesus MARTINEZ is printed as #19014. 19019 F ii Maria Luciana MARTINEZ is printed as #19015. 19020 F iii Maria Tomasa MARTINEZ is printed as #19016. 19021 F iv Maxima MARTINEZ is printed as #19017.
6261. Jose Marcos VILLARREAL (Maria Nicolasa MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 05 May 1805 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Jose married Maria Petra Jesus VILLARREAL daughter of Jose Julian VILLARREAL and Maria Gertrudis GONZALEZ on 26 Nov 1829 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Maria was born on 18 Oct 1807 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. She was christened on 25 Oct 1807 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
6262. Maria Leocadia VILLARREAL (Maria Nicolasa MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 17 Dec 1807 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Maria married Jose Julian GARZA son of Juan Jose GARZA and Maria Rita CANTU on 11 Nov 1831 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Jose was christened on 19 Feb 1809 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
6263. Maria Damiana VILLARREAL (Maria Nicolasa MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 23 Jan 1810 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Maria married Juan Jose GONZALEZ son of Jose Leocadio GONZALEZ and Maria Josefa GARZA on 26 Nov 1829 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
19029 M i Jose Rudesindo GONZALEZ was christened on 16 Jan 1835 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
6274. Maria Concepcion MARTINEZ (Jose Maximo MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 12 Dec 1815 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Maria married Jose Martin MONTEMAYOR son of Jose Nicolas MONTEMAYOR and Maria Isidora ESCAMILLA on 22 May 1833 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Jose was born on 20 Oct 1810 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He was christened on 28 Oct 1810 in Marin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
6300. Jose Jesus Maria MARTINEZ (Mamerto MARTINEZ , Pedro Joseph MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 21 Apr 1833 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He died on 21 Jul 1915 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas.
Jose married Rosalia VILLARREAL daughter of Pablo VILLARREAL and Gregoria CARDENAS on 29 Oct 1853 in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Rosalia was born about 1835.
They had the following children:
6314. Jose Cristobal Encarnacion GONZALEZ (Jose Simon Narciso GONZALEZ , Gertrudis Gregoria MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 18 Apr 1784 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Jose married (1) adopted Maria Merced RODRIGUEZ daughter of Joseph Francisco RODRIGUEZ BACA and Maria Ignacia GUERRA on 12 Apr 1809 in Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. She was related to her parents by adoption.
They had the following children:
Jose married (2) Urbana OCHOA daughter of Juan Bautista OCHOA and Maria Candida MARTINEZ on 05 Sep 1838 in Cadereyta Jimenez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
6315. Isabel Maria GONZALEZ (Jose Simon Narciso GONZALEZ , Gertrudis Gregoria MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 21 Nov 1786 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
6316. Jose Antonio GONZALEZ (Jose Simon Narciso GONZALEZ , Gertrudis Gregoria MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ) was christened on 27 Dec 1788 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He died on 07 Feb 1856 in Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Jose married Maria Carmen VALDEZ daughter of Jose Ignacio Rafael VALDEZ and Maria Guadalupe ESCAMILLA on 18 Sep 1816 in Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Maria was christened on 30 Jan 1795 in Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
19059 F i Maria Jesus GONZALEZ is printed as #17301. 19060 F ii Maria Antonia Encarnacion GONZALEZ is printed as #17302. 19061 M iii Jose Gabriel GONZALEZ is printed as #17303. 19062 F iv Maria Leocadia GONZALEZ is printed as #17304. 19063 F v Maria Elena GONZALEZ is printed as #17305. 19064 F vi Maria Paula GONZALEZ is printed as #17306. 19065 M vii Jose Facundo GONZALEZ is printed as #17307. 19066 M viii Facundo Bonifacio GONZALEZ is printed as #17308. 19067 M ix Jose Doroteo GONZALEZ is printed as #17309. 19068 F x Maria Rafaela GONZALEZ is printed as #17310. 19069 F xi Maria Petra GONZALEZ is printed as #17311.
6317. Jose Andres GONZALEZ (Jose Simon Narciso GONZALEZ , Gertrudis Gregoria MARTINEZ , Maria Lusgarda BENAVIDES , Joseph BENAVIDES , Francisco BENAVIDES , Francisco ).
Jose married Maria Refugio VALDEZ daughter of Jose Ignacio Rafael VALDEZ and Maria Guadalupe ESCAMILLA on 19 Nov 1818 in Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Maria was christened on 19 Jul 1802 in Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
They had the following children:
19070 F i Eufemia Rosa GONZALEZ is printed as #17315. 19071 F ii Juana Catarina GONZALEZ is printed as #17316. 19072 F iii Maria Rosalia GONZALEZ is printed as #17317. 19073 F iv Maria Juana Segunda GONZALEZ is printed as #17318. 19074 F v Maria Cecilia GONZALEZ is printed as #17319. 19075 F vi Albina GONZALEZ is printed as #17320. 19076 M vii Jose Guadalupe GONZALEZ is printed as #17321. 19077 M viii Jose Antonio GONZALEZ is printed as #17322. 19078 M ix Santiago GONZALEZ is printed as #17323.